Where I had got to last time |
New bearings for clock 1, I have used the common 8 id x 22od x 7mm 608 bearing, common on small-wheeled scooters and in my shed.
Bearing supports are tapped by the thread.
Clock 1 face. It's 12:50, the hour hand points to the time but its always vertical and the face rotates. Minute hand points to the minutes but that moves around all the time. The 12 is white and that helps give some sense of the face position, ie the time. The base is a bit like the hands of a clock.
Clock 1 from the back,
and from the side. Numbers 12, 4 and 8 have extra bosses at the back. These hold a second cd parallel to the face, and the bearings are mounted to the hole of the 2nd cd. Althread rod is used to hold the clock up, ans the bearing shaft and to make the overhead rod restraining the hour hand. The boss on the 12 has a spot for mounting a bolt and a few washers which are counterweights, balancing out the weight of the the battery.
I plan to use some bike rims in a construction project, so have disassembled 12 of them recently which liberates the hubs, the spokes, and the spoke nipples. Here is a hub used as a turbine spindle. I had tried to drill the side holes out to fit screws through them and this proved impossible. So I used washers and screws to mount the turbine as shown.
Then I worked out that if the flanges are hard, the middle must be soft, and I could drill it, or as shown work it in a lathe. The idea was to shorten the hub to use in a clock.
After cutting the flanges off, I needed to hold them together roughly parallel to braze them back together, and ended up tapping them through the centre, then using an m10 bolt as a jig. This is for clock 2.
Cutting out the back of clock 2. I did some plans in 2d cad for this and traced them onto the plywood.
Here it is seen from the front. 12:44! The hour hand is pointing straight up and has a small white bike spoke holder and bike spoke to restrain it.
Side |
Back |
Hi, I have been working on the face rotating clocks for a few weeks now and I am very happy with the results. A couple of previous projects managed to feed into this and I've been able to add a few new features. Will add more later but meanwhile here are a few related links.
My Uncle Eddies Clock
Podcast Simon Winchester with Richard Feidler
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