Thursday 11 November 2021

Let's go big again!

Pvc pipe as seedling snail protector in the garden. Not recommended, snails have still eaten our bean seedlings.


Triangular sides from 27 inch bicycle rims. I first made one a few weeks ago, and the over / under rim pattern and its inspiration is shown here.

Southern Bearings helped me a lot! They didn't have what I needed, but were happy to get it in, and I was able to pick up the m6 tee nuts a few hours later. Much better service than a couple of other shops.  

3 sides lashed together using new pvc pipe and velcro.

Which is the killer ap, this clothesline........

or this bike stand?

Anyway, my wife Christine and her friend Chris like the clothesline.

These are the sides. The large tetrahedron needs to be take-apartable, otherwise it would have to be removed from the house by putting it over the back fence.

One of the sides together with the creation from yesterday's blog post.

Fitting the sides in the back of our Kia Rio. It needs a bit of limbo to get them in, but they fit. Just.


Following on from making a one-rim per side tetrahedron from cycle rims, I've gone ahead now and made a 3 rim per side model. I had made a side several weeks ago , and it had been sitting round till I got motivated. Building a small tetrahedron proved to be the catalyst, I just continued on from there and made the larger version. Plus I thought it would make a good cubby house for my grandson, or maybe a couple of grand-nieces and nephews.

So everything I've done with cds (125mm diameter) should also be possible with bike rims (about 650mm diameter), for example, the top join in the cd tetrahedon stack shown here is a part of the clothesline app shown above. There is a triangular truncation of the tetrahedron corners, and the 2 tetrahedrons are joined using this truncation. Anyway, I'll try to put some more details of the construction soon.

This construction was mostly done by seat of the pants, that is position things against other things, then mark and drill and saw accordingly. But not entirely, I did some graphic assisted calcs on what the angles between the sides of tetrahedrons are to work out hole positions, see below. Also I only made 3 tetrahedron sides, the 4th is virtual or implied by the edges of the other 3, or the ground becomes the other side.


Steve Nurse

Update, Nov 21, 2021

The big tetra has been updated with a complete spoked wheel with a cd turbine, and put on impromptu display in Batman Park during my regular Saturday volunteer session for Wecycle. Story with video in bikes blog here .


Steve Nurse

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