Sunday 17 May 2020

Model TV's

3d printed assembly in TV's is 2 printed parts, a skewer which is bent as a bow to secure the parts together.
Individual parts, skewer, plastic screen protector, 3d printed front and back, printed picture from "The Jetsons"

All the screen parts together
TV #1, "Smart TV"
Making the Future TV, plywood was marked out, sawn and drilled. Some balsa wood used in the last blog post was used as a ruler and to get the right distance of holes from edges, and I had plenty of brake cable inners and outers in the shed.
Finished. Bicycle brake cable outers hold the sides together in the same way as the house was made last time.  They also form the legs of the TV.

Decorations include bicycle brake cable inners, and 3 different colours of 1.75mm 3d printing PLA filament.

Mounting of TV on front gate.

Front gate as it is now.
An old bike about to be restored. Damaged gear and brake cables are ready for harvesting and upcycling as some sort of sculpture.

For the past few weeks I've been experimenting with some building techniques and posted about what I've done here and here .  After making and displaying the last house, I decided to make something else using some of the same techniques, and settled on a "Television" based idea. Firstly I made the screen surround, and this turned out exceedingly well.

I waited around a few days and then made a small TV with screws representing controls and legs, and a black and white picture from the 1960-s tv show "Get Smart". This show was repeated endlessly on Australian TV in the 70's and 80's, and my brother Richard and I can recite large chunks of dialogue - well at least the catchphrases. And so the TV is a daggy big black and white model with no remote control. That's right, prehistoric really. Because its related to Get Smart, and because I can call it whatever I like I am calling it "Smart TV". Yes, I am jumping 50 years ahead of myself with that name, I don't care!

Having got the Smart TV representing the past out of the way, I set about making another "Future" model with a construction resembling that of Easter Egg House #2.  Its nice to see it next to the older and slightly more relatable Smart TV. Below is the pic I used from the Jetsons animated series circa 1962. They got the large curved screen TV just about right, although the guy in the bottom photo could chill out a bit, and get a more interesting haircut.

Regards  Steve Nurse

Stop Press: A friend came round and was admiring the sculptures on the front gate and said she especially liked the aquarium which was the new sculpture. I was bemused, "Um, Aquarium? I said", and she replied, "Oh well, yes, I saw the Shark on the front, so then I figured out what it was". And yes, I get it, Jane Jetson's couch looks like a shark.

regards  Steve Nurse

Update, July 27, 2021

The files to 3d print the basics of this TV are available on Thingiverse, here is the link, .


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