Friday 7 September 2018

Alien Sculpture

Hi, for a while I have had a small sculpture hanging round the house, it is made from 3d printed parts I made at home on my 3d printer, and soon I'll make the computer files used to make them(STL's) available for upload. Anyway, the sculpture has a red, rear bikelight inside, and a white one outside, and they can flash, or have constant beam or be off (very special, that last one!).  Tomorrow I take it all of 2k's down the road for it to be exhibited in a local design exhibition,  Fringe Furniture 32 .

Anyway, during the week, my regular weekly copy of New Scientist arrived, and it had an article about Keri Bean from NASA in it. She was involved in getting the Opportunity Rover to take a selfie of itself using a dodgy camera, as recorded on the internet here.  Here is a quote from the linked webpage "it was all I could do to not burst into tears. Yes, it was fuzzy – but not as fuzzy as we thought it would be". So in that exciting spirit, I decided to let my model take a few selfies and have even out-nasa'd Nasa by taking a movie as well.

Anyway, quite a few different possibilities for selfies as you can see above, which were all taken with 12 seconds delay from pressing the button to taking the photo. There is the model lighting, the camera flash and the bathroom lighting which can all be played around with, and the escape hatch can be left open.  See you at Fringe Furniture, Regards

Steve Nurse

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